
• Available in 1 kA and 2 kA current specifications

• Supports manual or automatic range switching

• Measurement frequency: 40 H z ~ 400 Hz

• Accuracy: class 0.005 or class 0.01

• Through-core measurement.

• Supports measurement of AC harmonics and distortion

• Supports display of current waveforms and spectrograms

• Powered by built-in battery.

TH0630 is a wide measurement range, high measurement accuracy, small and portable AC ammeter, using wideband current transformer technology, suitable for measuring AC high current in the field, or for calibrating AC current sources and ammeters.


Current range


Measurement uncertainty (k=2)


Temperature coefficient (/°C)


Class 0.005

Class 0.01

Class 0.005

Class 0.01

(ppm*RD+ppm*RG) [1]


500 A

0.1 mA

30 + 20

60 + 40

3 + 2

6 + 4

1000 A

1 mA

30 + 20

60 + 40

3 + 2

6 + 4


1000 A

1 mA

30 + 20

60 + 40

3 + 2

6 + 4

2000 A

1 mA

30 + 20

60 + 40

3 + 2

6 + 4

Note [1]: R D is the reading value, RG is the range value, the same below.

• Measuring range: (10%~110%) * RG, 7-digit display, manual/automatic range switching

• Measurement frequency: 40 Hz~400 Hz, resolution 0.001 Hz, measurement uncertainty: 0.01 Hz

• Number of harmonic measurements: 2nd ~ 63rd @ 50 Hz