Additel 762W Automated Hydraulic Pressure Calibrator

  • Automated pressure generation and control to 10,000 psi (700 Bar)
  • Accuracy to 0.01%FS
  • Dual-range with a manual or auto-selected mode
  • Designed for use with deionized water
  • Control stability ≤ 0.005%FS
  • Portable - designed for use in the field and in the lab
  • Supports two external pressure modules
  • Wi-Fi, LAN, Bluetooth, USB and Ethernet communication
  • Full HART field communicator
  • HART and profibus communication
  • Data logging and task management
  • Patented electric pump technology
  • ISO 17025-accredited calibration w/data included

 Designed for use in both the field and the laboratory, the portability and accuracy of this state-of-the-art product will quickly become the favorite go-to calibrator for lab personnel and field technicians alike.

With fully automated support for calibration of pressure transmitters, switches, dial and digital gauges and sensors, including HART/PROFIBUS devices in conjunction with a fully integrated task feature, data collection and Wi-Fi connectivity, we had our customer’s needs in mind when designing our most capable pressure calibrator to date.



Dual-Range Accuracy to 0.01% FS
Dual Range Accuracy
The ADT762W includes the unique ability to automatically switch between different internal calibrations depending on the current control pressure of the ADT762W. Additel provides calibrations unique to each ADT762W for ranges of 0-3,000 PSI (200 Bar) and 0-10,000 PSI (700 Bar). As the calibrator is pressurized, it will automatically select the control and measurement specification based on the specific pressure range Pressure calibration range selection can be set to "auto" mode so the calibration range is automatically selected by the ADT762W based on the set point pressure, or the calibration range can be manually selected.
Built-in Auto-Purge Application
ADT762W from the rear
Purging hydraulic calibration systems can be challenging and time consuming. The ADT762W has been designed with an integrated auto-purge system that saves time, money and frustration by completely automating the removal of air from the system. With the push of a button, the ADT762W quickly manages the system purging. This helps to free up time for technicians to attend to other needs.
Dual-Port Manifold with Automatic Fluid Ex
When using hydraulic systems, we know that oils are a better lubricant and sustain the life of seals and components than water. But we recognize that for some applications, using oil is not an option. The ADT762W is designed to only be used with deionized water. The ADT762W has a built-in fluid management system to reduce standing water in the system which eases future maintenance requirements. The ADT762W should be used with the provided manifold which has a communication connection directly to the unit. This configuration is designed to extract residue water from the unit into the manifold after every vent. This function helps ensure the longest life of the unit and reduced maintenance costs.
Documented Task Feature
Task Feature
The powerful documented calibration task application allows users to quickly create and execute tasks without the need for a PC or tablet. The ADT762W automatically analyzes errors, generates test reports, while storing results locally. The Additel 762W can support up to 1000 documented tasks which can be stored and recalled at any time to help save time and money.
Dual-Mode Hart Communication 
HART pressure transmitters can be directly maintained and calibrated without any other equipment or tools. The ADT762W provides an automatic HART calibration mode as well as a manual mode. This dual-mode HART communication function not only provides an efficient and convenient interoperability mode for DUT, but also supports access to a fully HART capable calibrator.
HART Communication 1