Additel 761A Automated Pressure Calibrator

  • Automated and self-contained pressure generation and control to 1000 psi ( 69 bar) or 1200 hPa
  • Standard accuracy models as low as 0.01%FS
  • Two removable internal pressure modules for multi-range selection (Single pressure module for barometric)
  • Control stability to 0.003%FS or 0.02 hPa
  • Portable, designed for use in the field and in the lab
  • Ability to measure two external pressure modules
  • Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB and Ethernet communication
  • HART and profibus communication
  • Data logging and task management
  • Patented electric pump technology and improved speed
  • ISO 17025-accredited calibration w/data included

            At  Additel,  innovation  and  continuous  improvement  are  part  of  our  company's  culture  and  the products  we  introduce.  When  we  set  out  to  deliver  the  Additel  761A  series  calibrators,  we  knew we  needed  to  provide  breakthrough  improvements  and  additional  value  to  the  existing  line  of calibrators  (Additel  761  series).  The  ADT761A  has  many  improvements:  increased  pressure  range to 1,000  psi  (70  bar),  removable  internal pressure modules as low as 0.01%FS, increased speed to pressure,  ability  to  read  two  external  pressure  modules,  touch  screen  display, Wi-Fi,  Bluetooth, and Ethernet communications, double the original battery life, and more!