TD1320 Portable Tester for DC EV Chargers-Practical On-site Testing for EV Chargers

TD1320 Portable Tester for DC EV Chargers is a portable instrument dedicated to on-site testing of DC EV electric vehicles) chargers with DCV measurements up to 1150 V, DCI measurements up to 300A, and DC electrical energy accuracy of 0.05% and 0.1%. The instrument can be combined with TK4710 DC resistive load to complete the metrology characteristic test, interoperability test and communication protocol conformance test of DC charger.

Introduction to TD45 series: Three-phase Energy Meter Standard Calibration Device

TD4500 is a multi-function 3PH power calibrator. Class 0.02 / class 0.05 available. It integrates AC/DC power output function, 3PH measuring function, harmonic function, transmitter test function, U4th voltage output function, AC energy meter test function. Can be used to calibrate AC/DC voltmeter, AC/DC ammeter, AC/DC power meter and transmitter, etc.

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