Additel’s New 878 Reference Dry Well Calibrator Series Combine Laboratory Performance with a Refined Interface and Unique Automation

Additel Corporation introduces their new ADT878 Reference Dry Well Calibrator series which consist of three products that combine to cover a temperature range from –40°C to 700°C. The Additel Reference Dry Wells are designed with laboratory-level performance in accuracy, stability, uniformity, loading and hysteresis and combine automation features to automatically realize and maintain a triple point of water cell and facilitate annealing PRTs. Each unit has a process calibration option which includes a full HART communicator, measurement of a reference PRT and two devices under test that can measure mA, V, switch, RTD or thermocouple. In addition to these functions, this calibrator can create and store tasks and document the “as found” and "as left" results.

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